Friday, January 8, 2010


Somewhere in 1985 I found a local man named Joy Arpots organised the local version of Tegentonen, and if I'm not mistaken it had Christian Marclay on the programm, which blew me away. I introduced myself to him, and found he had a program on the squat radio station. I started listening and soon was asked to join him and Dolf Mulder (who to this day writes for Vital Weekly) to play new cassette releases. On May 21st 1987 we had our 100th show, in absence of Joy and Dolf. I invited some people to play a two minute concert by phone, with an introduction by phone by Joy (who was out interviewing Beasty Boys) and as Kapotte Muziek I played some collage stuff from records. A pretty chaotic broadcast, which I released on a small subsidairy of Korm Plastics, called Art & Noise Editions, after the name of the programm. I am sure I never sold any of these, and gave all the participants a free copy. It features KvO (from Prilius Lacus), Irun Sneeze, The Nolistics, Heer PJ, Suicidal Squad, Y Create, De Fabriek, DMDN, Odal, Scar and Fasten Bulbous. I couldn't find it online, so I uploaded it myself.
Kapot Produkt 00N: Untitled cut on Jubileum (c60 - Jan.1988)
Art & Noise Editions A&NE 1
Kapotte Muziek Unit 02: Editing
(This was intermssion music in a live-broadcast from Art & Noise, a radioprogramm with was broadcasted for the 100th time on May the 21st 1987.)

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